Saturday, July 9, 2016

Children's books that need to be written

Children's books that need to be written:

Who Gets to Choose? — The realities of free speech, free press, and a free country

If You're Whining You're Losing

Nothing is Fair — Really.

Choosing What You REALLY Want — You know you want this, but is what you're doing really getting it for you?

If You Don't Know What The Kings Know, You Can Only Be Their Slave — Pick up a book and read. There are no new methods of slavery. They've all been tried before, and they only work on those who don't understand them.

Everything Comes from Somewhere — Milk does not come from a grocery store, nor smiles from Walmart.

Nothing is Free — If it exists, it cost somebody's life.

Where Does it Go? — On trash, dreams, poop, and peoples.

Why Do People Use Drugs? — The reality.

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